
How to improve diesel generator efficiency

Power generators have become essential for so many buildings, complexes and facilities. They need to be relied upon to keep your power running without disruption when the primary sources fail, or in some cases, as an alternative main supply off the grid. 

Whether it is a major outage, localised power issue, or you’re working off-grid, you need to know that your diesel generator can continue to run for as long as you need it to. And for the most cost-effective rate of fuel consumption and generator maintenance, you need your generator to perform at its peak efficiency.  

Thankfully, you can take steps to ensure maximum generator efficiency for when you need it and the most effective use of fuel.

Maintain your generator

A generator that isn’t up and running at its best will not perform as well and will consume more fuel than necessary. In addition to needing more fuel, generators that are not appropriately maintained can encounter significant damage and faults, resulting in costly repairs and lower reliability. Not to mention the potential safety risks of putting your generator under stress when it’s not in top shape. Therefore, regular maintenance, servicing and operational performance checks of your diesel generator are essential.

A qualified and experienced generator service technician should regularly check:

  • Oil and fluid levels
  • The generator’s exhaust system, 
  • Engine and control panel health, 
  • Air and oil filters
  • Fuel supply time
  • Connectors, belts, hoses and lines


A good service technician can also complete other maintenance and generator health checks, such as ensuring all components of your diesel generator are clean and clear of debris, and that your fuel quality is sound.

Determine, and use, the most efficient generator load

If you’re not sure what that maximum load should be for your establishment, a diesel generator technician can advise you on the recommendation for your situation and usage requirements and guide you in ensuring this happens.

Pay attention to the frequency of generator use

It may sound obvious, but it is important to mention that the more frequently you use your generator, and the longer you use it, the higher your fuel consumption will be. If you have limited fuel resources for your generator and need to stretch your generator use to its maximum efficiency, it’s worth considering when you actually need the power and when it can be conserved. For example, while hospitals and airports need their generators fully operational 24/7, corporate entities may only need power during customer-facing hours. In these situations, the entity could opt to power off outside of these times, extending the life of their diesel generator fuel supply.

However, something to note is that never running your generator could also cause issues. Your generator could collect damaging dirt and debris from lack of use, reducing efficiency and slowing things down. Your fuel quality can also degrade over time. The solution is to ensure you keep up with regular maintenance and generator testing, whether your generator is only used as an emergency backup or given a regular workout. Want to know how frequently this should be? You can find the answers in this diesel generator maintenance guide.

Ensure regular carbon deposit removal

Ash carbon polymer can attach to various elements of your generator during operation, which will increase fuel consumption over time. These carbon deposits should be removed regularly, as part of ongoing regular maintenance and generator cleaning processes.

Ensure you use quality fuel

There are some areas you can cut corners, but the quality of the diesel you use is not one of them. Clean, high-quality fuel Is crucial to ensure the optimum efficiency of your diesel generator. 

Just as poor quality fuel in a car can cause long term damage and give your car less mileage than the premium quality options; your generator efficiency will also be increased if you use higher quality diesel.

Be mindful that your fuel quality may degrade

You may have purchased a high-quality fuel, but how long ago? Fuel can age and degrade over years of not being used, which impacts the generator’s performance and longevity. Additionally, if any water gets into your diesel or fuel reservoir, there can be growth within that water-diesel mix. At Genergy, our team has observed that over 50% of bulk diesel storage tanks have experienced water contamination. This is often due to factors such as condensation, failure of the tanks or tank fittings, or poor storage conditions.

The most important thing to remember when storing your backup diesel for your generator is to ensure that it remains clean and dry. Removing the possibility of dust or water from gathering is crucial. 

The solution is to ensure you correctly store your diesel, cycle your fuel when you can, and keep an eye on the fuel quality and filtration, getting your fuel quality tested whenever there is a doubt. Fuel restoration can be performed if the results are not ideal. Rather than discarding old fuel, or fuel that has been contaminated with water or sludge, restoration can be a more cost-effective solution that still results in a quality fuel for your usage requirements.

Get your fuel quality tested and restore your diesel

The great news is that your generator’s fuel quality can be tested and improved. At Genergy Australia, we offer diesel testing, diesel restoration, and storage system maintenance services.

Our custom-built mobile fuel cleaner removes dirt, water and sludge from your fuel, reconditioning and stabilising this diesel. We filter and clean dirty diesel down to 3 micron, with a multi-stage filtration system that restores diesel to optimum condition. We also offer regular testing of your fuel and storage system as part of our maintenance program. Enquire with our team to learn more about these fuel testing, diesel restoration and maintenance services.

Order from a trusted supplier

Order your fuel supply, generator parts and even your diesel generator in the first place from a trusted supplier known for producing good quality products. Buying fuel from non-credible sources is not recommended, as you have nothing to certify the quality or authenticity of the product. It’s important to consider who you are getting your fuel supply from when you restock your stores and how long the supplier has been in the industry.

Whether you require 600 litres or 20,000 litres of diesel, Genergy Australia can provide a high-quality fuel supply. Our mobile refuelling ute can deliver up to 600 litres in just one visit. We also have long-held accounts with major fuel merchants and mobile fuel tankers for bulk fuel requirements.

The diesel generator specialists

Whether you have questions about maintaining the optimal generator efficiency at your site or would like to enquire about one of our services, the team here at Genergy Australia would love to hear from you. We’ve been offering generator servicing, maintenance and repair for over 25 years and offer a range of high quality, reliable services from generator preventative maintenance, refuelling and repairs to emergency response, through to diesel restoration and storage system maintenance. We’re here to make sure you can keep the power on when you need it and to help you do that smoothly and efficiently.

The generator specialists

We’ve been supporting Queensland organisations for over 25 years. We offer generator servicing and repair that offers peace of mind, and we always aim to exceed our customer’s expectations.